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About TK Solver

UTS (Engineering Calculations Software)

TK Solver Among the most widely employed solver in the market, TK Solver is a part of our Universal Technical Systems that is simple and efficient at solving mathematical equations. Right from engineers and analysts to scientists and mathematicians, a wide range of individuals benefit from the expertise we bring to the table by enabling the TK Solver. Compared to traditional methods, the solver facilitates problem-solving at a staggering 90% quicker rate, making it the most sought-after solver in the market.


A Cloud-based platform which enables domain experts and authors to create and share equations and calculations worldwide. The biggest advantage is the sole-operating control and authority the initial writer enjoys, with a pool of apps which are directly related to the browser. It can also be accessed on a variety of platforms too.


Galaxy is a management tool that helps to process the repository of information that exists within any organization, namely “corporate knowledge”. Creating a synergy of engineers, developers, and analysts, to enable calculations for internal and external organizational purposes, Galaxy helps the end user avail the following benefits:

• Intellectual Property security
• Ease of use
• Quality Assurance
• Distribution

Galaxy not only overcomes the roadblocks in information management but also helps in a seamless transition into the software.

Advanced Spring Design
Advanced Spring Design

The Advanced Spring Design software is developed jointly by the Universal Technical Systems and the Spring Manufacturers Institute (SMI), harnessing the power of customized calculations and engineering expertise to design high-quality springs.

The benefits include –

• Versatility
• User-friendliness
• Easy and rapid
• Reliable
